
Results are currently of two kinds: Useful resources we’ve created that embody the huge ideas, and also individual participation in our programs. Later, project team participation will be a third major category of results.

Useful Materials

On this website we have two online programs, the CLEAR Superprogram in the Life Tools section, and an online course in learning how to do more good that can be found on the Goodness page. We also have over 25 self-improvement materials that can be used separately.

On ProofThroughTheNight.Org  (  we have a Political Info section with over 150 links to 11 kinds of essential political knowledge. We’ve also a section on strong incentives for political participation as well as convincing reasons to believe that dramatic systemic political change is possible.

On HelpersHelper.Org we’ve gathered over a dozen practical time and money-management materials to boost people’s spare time and money so they can give more. They can be found here.


Program Participation

CLEAR active participants: 2   (Active participants have contacted us by email, saying they are using the program and they’ve agreed to let us know if they stop participating. Besides that, we double-check participation quarterly.) 

Committed members of Proof Through the Night: 3   (Committed participants have completed a copy of the PTTN Member Agreement.)


This page will evolve. For instance, right now we simply sum up the total number of participants, but later we plan to have graphs showing the increase in participation over time.