Life tools are self-help materials that can help you improve the quality of your life. Some of our assessments and goal-setting materials are similar to other materials, but our superprogram tools are unique and powerful. We encourage you to use a superprogram to maximize your benefits. The CLEAR superprogram is described below. Other self-help materials are can be found through our Add-On page. Those materials can be used separately, but we thing they are better as add-ons to a superprogram.
Superprograms are a new breed of educational structures. Using a superprogram consistently can dramatically improve your life. The CLEAR superprogram is one example of a superprogram. All the materials needed are in this section of the website (To learn more about superprograms in general, go here.) We encourage people to participate by using the five tools on this page to make conscious efforts for at least five hours a week. The tools on this page are free to use. We ask that people who are serious about participation email us to “register.” This helps us track the growth in participation.
If you have questions or would like live help, feel free to contact us.
Overview of the Five Basis CLEAR Superprogram Tools
1. The Path-Management Question. This question is the central part of the program: You periodically ask yourself, “What is the best, most loving use of my time, right now?” — Your goal is to come up with some possible answers, pick the best answer, and do it!
2. The CLEAR Method. The CLEAR Method is to try for a balance of action in five categories. Each category is represented by one letter of the word CLEAR: C stands for building capacity. (That can mean removing obstacles that block you, or building up time, money, skill or your energy level.) L means loving your life, or living your mission. E is for empowering others. A is for adding to the world’s stability and R is for ripple-effect, or passing it on. Examples of each category are in the Action Menu (below), but an explanation of the strategy and how to do CLEAR well is in the write-up. In a four-month period people are encouraged to do about an hour a week in each area of CLEAR on average. We say “on average” because it usually makes sense to do many more C actions at the start of the four months. For example, if you don’t have much spare time, the priority is do time-management to build up enough time so you can do the other actions.
3. The CLEAR Actions Menu. To help you come up with ideas for action, we’ve create a “menu” with a wide variety of positive actions. It’s 16 pages long. The actions are in five sections (related to the five parts of CLEAR, explained above) The actions are also organized in three groupings: brief actions or tasks, longer projects, and skills or habits that take even longer to create, but that give you ongoing benefits and payoffs.
4. Buddy System Basics. This three-page material explains how to pick a support buddy, and a process for supporting each other twice a week. Your Buddy doesn’t have to do CREAR. He or she might have their own goals they want to work on. We feel that at least 90% of people need some ongoing support structure to help keep them focused. Meanwhile, the other 10% would probably still do better with ongoing personal support. In some cases, people might want to organize a support group in addition. (The “Goal & Growth Group” Format is another option for creating ongoing support. You can find it here.)
5. The Ingredients of Learning Questions: If you feel stuck or are having difficulty learning or changing, ask yourself the questions: “What ingredient or ingredients of learning am I lacking?” and “How can I get this ingredient on a regular basis?”
You could almost consider your personal calendar or To-Do List to be a sixth necessary ingredient. (What good are doing all the above if you don’t have some way to remind yourself to take action?) If you don’t use a calendar, or even if you do, consider using the The CLEAR Sheet. This is a one-page PDF where you can write down your plans for doing CLEAR and also note your progress each week. Alternatively, you can do this within any calendar or personal organizer system that you already have. Writing things down, and having precise goals, gives you a clear target and makes your success more likely!
For additional tips on how to get the most from participation, check out Fifteen Tips for Those Starting the CLEAR Superprogram.