What is Group Genie?
Group Genie is a nonprofit creativity team and action network. Our genies (our creative thinkers) create new ideas and methods to improve people’s lives and the world. Our action network tests the ideas out, and then helps us communicate them to the world. We are just beginning.
How can Group Genie change the world?
On the Huge Ideas page we describe at least eight huge world-changing ideas and projects. Some are solutions or innovations that can do trillions of dollars of good. Others are potential global upgrades that one day may be on the same list as humanity’s other global upgrades, such as written language, coin money, the Scientific Method, clock time, modern democracy and about 100 other great ideas.
As far as we are aware, no other organization on Earth — no corporation, no university, no think tank, no nonprofit — has invented so many potential global upgrades and trillion-dollar solutions.
Taken together, our huge new ideas form a global plan that works from the individual level.
How can Group Genie help me improve my life?
If you’re sincerely willing to exert some effort then our “Life Tools” and “Add-Ons” pages offer many tools. While some websites have similar self-help materials, we have three special kinds of materials. We have tools that help you figure out which areas of your life to focus on. (Well Analogy, Lifestyle Review, and/or Many-One-New.) We also have tools that help you create ongoing personal support to really learn and apply the materials. (Buddy System, Goal & Growth Group and/or Discussion & Action Group.) We also have a list that helps you determine if you’ve re-gathered all needed ingredients of learning and empowerment. (Ingredients of Learning.) Too many people buy and read self-help materials but fail to change because they are missing key ingredients. Our unique tools can help people increase their happiness and success.
Why volunteer for Group Genie, rather than a thousand other good organizations?
Most of our projects are extremely high-leverage. In other words, we expect to do more life-saving good than most conventional organizations.
A bonus reason to volunteer is that many of our projects involve life-changing methods that can boost your personal support, goal-attainment, skills or resources. You improve your life at the same time you help us optimize a material or a method. To learn about volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page.
Who or what is behind Group Genie?
Tim Cimino started Group Genie. Many years ago, when he was an agricultural research chemist, he believed that a chain reaction of personal empowerment could give people the skills and support to do more for themselves and do more to help organizations that help the world. He started World Peace One, a nonprofit organization, in 1988.
Over the years, most people thought World Peace One was a typical peace organization, one that focused on certain global issues. But it addressed global problems from the individual level. Because the name confused people, and because Tim got many other high-leverage ideas, World Peace One became Group Genie in 2013.
How can I get involved with Group Genie?
Read some of the main pages and watch some introductory videos. Then go to the Participate page to learn the ways you can become involved.